AspireAssist - Smart, Effective Weight Loss ---


The AspireAssist® is a new, FDA-approved weight loss solution for people with obesity. Unlike many other weight loss procedures, it’s non-surgical and reversible. Placing the device is an outpatient procedure. Patients can often return home within one to two hours, and be back at work quickly. The AspireAssist® works by reducing the calories absorbed by the body, while helping you make gradual, healthy changes to your lifestyle. After eating, food travels to the stomach immediately, where it is temporarily stored and the digestion process begins. Over the first hour after a meal, the stomach begins breaking down the food, and then passes the food on to the intestines, where calories are absorbed. The AspireAssist® allows patients to remove about 30% of the food from the stomach before the calories are absorbed into the body, causing weight loss. You’ll also need to chew carefully and eat mindfully, which helps give time for the fullness signals from your stomach to reach your brain. This therapy is used in conjunction with lifestyle counseling. This program combines one-on-one counseling and group support meetings to encourage healthier food choices, smaller portion sizes, and increased physical activity. The therapy also requires careful and comprehensive monitoring by a physician to ensure you are losing weight in a healthy manner.

View AspireAssist® Webinar with Dr. Wallis - Click Here

Smart, Effective Weight Loss. Now FDA Approved.


The AspireAssist is a new weight loss solution for people with obesity. Unlike some other weight loss procedures, it’s non-surgical and reversible. In a U.S. Clinical Trial, patients lost three times more weight with the AspireAssist than those receiving only diet and exercise counseling. The most successful patients in the US Study – those who used the device regularly and made gradual lifestyle changes - lost over 100 pounds in the first year. The AspireAssist is a comprehensive program that includes the device, nutritional counseling, and an online community to help keep your weight loss on track.


The AspireAssist is a simple approach that puts you in control of your own weight loss. The device works by reducing the number of calories that your body processes. It also requires you to chew your food very carefully, giving time for the fullness signals from your stomach to reach your brain so you’re less likely to eat too much. During a simple 15-minute procedure, a small tube is inserted into your stomach. Most patients go home within 2 hours after the procedure. The tube connects to a button on the surface of your skin. After you eat a meal, this small and discreet device allows you to empty about 30% of the calories into the toilet. The process is simple and private, so no one needs to know.


With the AspireAssist, there are no particular foods or beverages that are off-limits, although you’ll gradually learn to eat healthier with the help of your healthcare team. You do not need to limit your activities – in fact, many patient find they are able to enjoy new activities after losing weight. Because the AspireAssist requires that you chew your food well, you’re likely to find that you eat more slowly and feel full sooner, good steps to take toward maintaining weight loss.

Side effects are few and generally minor. Because your gastrointestinal anatomy is not altered, you don’t suffer many of the side effects that are seen with more invasive weight loss procedures.


An important part of the AspireAssist therapy is a physician-monitored plan to establish healthier habits and make lifestyle changes that can support your weight loss. The AspireAssist is a powerful tool to reinforce these changes because it helps you learn to chew more carefully and eat more slowly. So while you can see results quickly, you’ll know that you’re also working toward long-lasting change.






Amber, Age 33, Lost 70 Pounds (Video)


Lotta, Age 52, Lost 145 Pounds (Video)


Mike, Age 59, Lost 104 Pounds (Video)




AspireAssist tube in stomach


AspireAssist device attached for flushing into toilet



B. Jeffrey Wallis, M.D., P.A. - Colonoscopy, EGD, Liver, ERCP

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